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About Parkside Singers of Ampthill

Who we are and how we do things... Past, Present & Future

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The photo above shows the choir after WINNING the 2022 Bedford Music Festival - Community Choirs division... 

Parkside Singers of Ampthill are a "not-for-profit" choir run by an annually elected committee. Established in 2014 at Parkside Community Hall in Woburn Street, Ampthill, our choir members come from all walks of life, areas and age groups. We come from all over Central Bedfordshire to sing together on a Tuesday evening and aim to give about 10 concerts a year - roughly five "hall" or "church" concerts, and 5 or 6 smaller, less formal gigs in care homes, for Jigsaw, Barton Helping Hands and other local charities and community entities.

We enjoy singing four-part harmonies and would love to entertain you.

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HM the Queen's Jubilee -  concert at St Nick's Barton 18th June 2022 - fundraising for Ukraine DEC & Barton Helping Hands.
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May 10th 2023 - Parkside Singers were invited to sing at the celebration service for the Coronation of HM KIng Charles III at Woburn by the Lord Lieutenant of Bedfordshire.

We belong to the National Association of Choirs. â€‹The choir is compliant with GDPR 2018 and insured. 

The choir's scrutinised accounts are opened to inspection annually at the public AGM (January), and policies are continually reviewed during periodic (generally bi-monthly) committee meetings.

Our committee is elected each year at our AGM.


Our membership fees are modest and our concert charges are very reasonable.


For members and patrons we send out an occasional Newsletter - 4 to 6 times a year. This has news, forward information of events from the choir and the committee.

If you want to know more... please click the button on the right.

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