Parkside Singers of Ampthill
Friendship - Fun - Fulfilment. Come, Join us & Sing!

Woburn St, Ampthill,
Bedfordshire. MK45 2HX
See us on
Video clips and Songs page (under contruction)

You should have on this page:-
1. a Video (MP4) compilationsong/video of the choir on ZOOM
2. two song clips (MP3) of two of our 2022 BedMusFest entry practice files.
Please watch this space.
(And, if you want to hear more, you could come down on a Tuesday evening and see/hear us "LIVE". )
Thanks, James
(Web-thingy for Parkside Singers of Ampthill)

PSSA: What Would I Do Without My Music
Please watch this space.
I am on a pretty steep learning curve here.
The song and video clips on this page are stopgap solutions using WixVideo and Sound-Cloud.
I hope you are able to get a flavour of the choir's singing from these. BUT, there is no substitute for hearing us sing LIVE. PLease look out for concerts dates.
We shall be singing public concerts in the second half of 2022. And we have some informal gigs at community venues all the time.
And you can find more good things on our facebook page.
Thanks, James
(Web-thingy for Parkside Singers of Ampthill)